Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hello Kitty 2011 Calendar

Yesterday I was at Vivo City and dropped by Sanrio to look for any cute Hello Kitty new arrivals. As I was on a tight budget, I only picked up 2 calendars for 2011. There were so many styles to choose from (including Little Twin Stars), I simply couldn't make up my mind for a long time. Finally, I settled on these.

This calendar is around A4 size. It's a hanging calendar. SGD13.95

12 different Kitty designs. Really pretty.

There is a 2012 calendar on the last page.

There is a small pouch for putting important papers and envelops on the last page of the calendar.

Stickers provided to paste on special dates!

This is for table top. Only SGD11.95! I intend to put it on my office table next year.

Different Kitty every month!

I really can't wait to use these calendars!

I also exchanged my Sanrio membership points for this mini teapot set. Honestly I have no idea what to do with it. But since my membership points were expiring, I had no choice but to redeem them.

I enjoyed my trip to Sanrio thoroughly. I just wished I could purchase more!


  1. ah~ the tea set is so cute! I have such a weakness for miniatures ^^;;

  2. How cute is that...shame we don`t have a hello kitty store over here in UK. I loved the ones in Japan esp kiddyland.

  3. Helly Kitty Calendar! I need to check it out if I stop by Vivocity one day. I used to collect these HK tea set when I was young and I still have them now :D

  4. Oh gosh, that mini tea set is adorable. I'm a Hello Kitty fanatic too!! hee hee.

    xx Love & Aloha

  5. now you making me wanna get a new schedule book and calender... but i'm no fan of this kitty :P

  6. Too adorable! and love that mini tea set! BOW + Hello kitty *squeal*

  7. omg, these are sooo cute! i want oneee!!!


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