Thursday, December 9, 2010

Update about myself...

Hi everybody...

I guess, dear readers, that all of you notice that I have not been updating regularly and writing quality posts recently... and the reason is NOT that I have lost interest in blogging (and not totally because I have to clean the house, for those who have read my dumpling post yesterday)...

There has been lots of things 'happening' in my mind recently (my job, family etc) and I have not gotten around to solving all of them =( Suddenly blogging has become like 'homework' and I just have no mood for it...

I apologise to all who have been supporting my blog and waiting for a good new post all this while!

I think this might go on for a while and I think I have to take a break from blogging for a short period of time... I just have to get around to filming that video on my mind right now, then I think I will be ok again! Perhaps when I go back to my homeland (Hong Kong) next week, then all will feel better and I will have the mood to blog again.

I WILL NOT give up on this blog... that is for sure. I think I will be back with a video in 2 weeks' time, latest...


  1. Missing you...waiting for some new posts!1

  2. oh !!! you're coming next week?! feel free to meetup :)?

    email/PM me :)

  3. Will miss you but there are far more important things than blogging. I hope that things will all work out for you soon. Take care!


  4. awww... i hope u feel better! :) i will miss reading ur blog!

  5. I understand, take your time... and I hope you feel better and relaxed soon.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  6. Take your time and come back when you feel fresh we will be waiting for some nice posts :)

  7. :( I hope everything starts getting better soon~ In the meantime I'll miss u ^^

  8. Hey sweetie, it happens to all of us. Chin up and have a great Christmas.


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