Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello Kitty iPad Hardshell Cover & Screen Protector

*SQUEAL* Hello Kitty iPad cover and screen protector!!
Ok, they are hardly new products as iPad 1 is probably considered old technology already… but hey! They are adorable and I love them!

Just a short post today. Not been buying eyeshadow/ lipstick etc lately :)
And anyway, I signed up for a professional makeup artistry course today!! YAY!! Starting in October!!


  1. hi,
    The covers are cute! Also, best of luck with the course and your road ahead! :-)

  2. OMG that is sooo cute~~~although i dont have an Ipad~~~but i love anything hellow kitty~~~haha


  3. Kawaii cover hello kitty rocks! >.<. just a question anyone knows what happened to mymakeupreview.blogspot from Jojoba?
    i kind miss her =/.


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