Monday, July 4, 2011

Ettusais Medicated Acne Whitening Essence

I am a new huge Ettusais fan, ever since I started using their whitening skincare range. I have posted about them here and here. I thought it would be nice to complete my skincare regime with their whitening essence. I got it in Singapore for $57, 40ml, which I find quite a reasonable price.

Hmm, there is nothing much to rant or rave about this essence, except that I think it does its job at whitening, to a fair extent. My skin is brightened upon application, but I do not see drastic improvement in my skin or skin tone over the weeks. I have been using this for more than a month. However, I guess the essence somewhat keeps my skin from looking dull, because I had friends telling me that I look fairer (I just don't see it myself). 


There is one thing about this essence that kind of bothers me -- it has a rather strong alcohol smell. My skin does not sting or anything when I apply, but I just smell alcohol when i use it, which is not terrible, but would be great if it isn't there. Because of the smell, I feel like I am putting strong stuff on my face!

Overall, I would give this a 3/5 for its mild brightening effect, something I might repurchase, since I love Ettusais skincare, but would not miss if I find something better.


  1. never heard about this brand...but the product sounds good!!! thanks for sharing ashura :D

  2. Sounds like it seriously works! Hopefully they'll learn to get rid of the alcohol smell in it.

  3. Do you think ettusais will help with my acne and scars?
    I'm used to very harsh chemicals smells in my products XD

  4. Hi Lucy,
    Hmmm I think it kind of helps to lighten mine a little bit very slowly overtime… but I don't think it will get rid of them entirely! But I guess its worth a try, esp if you have tried other Ettusais products and they worked for you :)

  5. Looks pretty good....I've never heard of this brand before..Thanks for the review and for introducing it here!! :)



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