After swearing to myself that I shall not buy footwear for sometime, I came across this lovely pair of Indian style sandals...

It is beautiful and stylish, and I can match it with dresses, shorts, jeans. Its base color is grey, so it will be easy to match clothing.
However, I must say that it was WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. Made of PVC, priced SGD59.90 at this shoe shop, Surrealism. Usually, I don't buy footwear from them, because their shoes are usually (in my opinion) overpriced. Most of the time, I just need to pay $10 more and get a pair of leather ones from Pazzion.
I just couldn't help it this time.
Those sandals are STUNNING! They are perfect for warm days! :) !!!
Wowww these sandals look great!! Have something like this but not of the same type:)
I think it's cute and you can wear it a lot since the base is neutral!:D
***** Marie *****
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